Try our MCC lookup and search tools

Your Merchant Category Code (MCC) isn't just a 4-digit number. It has an impact on how acquiring and issuing banks evaluate and treat your business.

Uncover what your MCC represents

Enter the 4-digit Merchant Category Code (MCC) to learn its meaning and determine whether it is classified as high risk or not.

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Complete this form to discover your Merchant Category Code (MCC) and find out if it is classified as high risk or not.

High risk business
MCC 7338
Quick Copy, Reproduction and Blueprinting Services

Merchants that reproduce text, drawings, plans, maps, and similar materials by blueprinting, photocopying, or using other reproduction methods. Such merchants also may provide collating and binding services.

Scroll down to learn more about MCCs.

Disclaimer : The Merchant Category Code (MCC) provided is based on the official classifications from Visa and Mastercard, supplemented by insights from Risk & Compliance experts. The final determination and allocation of MCCs remain the responsibility of the payment service provider licensed by Visa and Mastercard. This recommendation is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as definitive or binding guidance.

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Explore our MCC glossary now

Browse the Merchant Category Code (MCC) database to discover they mean for your business.

how it works

Merchant Category Code (MCC): Everything you need to know

To read before

If you accept credit and debit card payments, understanding your Merchant Category Code (MCC) is essential. MCC codes affect your transaction fees, risk profile, reporting obligations, and even your eligibility with payment processors and acquiring banks.

What is an MCC?

A Merchant Category Code (MCC) is a four-digit number assigned to merchants by acquiring banks when a merchant account is created. This code categorizes your business based on the goods or services you offer and is recognized by payment networks like Visa and Mastercard.

Who assigns MCCs?

MCCs are assigned by your acquiring bank, following guidelines set by card networks such as Visa and Mastercard. While these guidelines are clear, assigning the right MCC often involves judgment by the acquirer. Misclassification - whether accidental or intentional - can lead to serious consequences, including penalties or disrupted payment processing.